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Secondments: How to apply

We run an annual, shared open call for staff to take 2-6 month secondments between their own Institution and a collaborating organisation. These can be cross-sector (e.g., to industry or the third sector) or cross-disciplinary (e.g., between St Andrews, Dundee or JHI). Staff can apply to place themselves elsewhere or to second an external collaborator into their Institution.

Applicants must state how the secondment is valuable to their career trajectory and is related to building a greener future. The call supports local and international opportunities and can be part-time or flexible working secondments.

What will I be asked?

  • What are the details of the secondment – where will the secondment happen, when will it happen, who will you work with, and what will be done
  • How will it benefit your career development – what are the anticipated outcomes
  • How does this secondment fit with building a greener future – describe how the proposed work aligns with the BBSRCs definition. If it does not fit within this priority area, highlight which of BBSRCs other areas it aligns with
  • Will you require any flexible working arrangements? Is the secondment part or full time, and/or do you require any support with caregiving (additional funding is available to support this)
  • What is the budget breakdown? This can be for salary, travel, consumables etc. Contact your institutional team if you are unsure.

This fund is for ECRs and RTPs

NB: The FTMA cannot fund students (including PGRs). If you have any questions around eligibility, please contact your Institutional team
  • Are they supportive?
  • How do they see this opportunity benefiting your career?
  • Can they help you to extend your learning into the wider team?
  • How are arrangements made to compensate for your workload whilst you undertake the secondment?

Engage with your host organisation

You will need to have discussions with the organisation who you intend to be seconded into before you apply to the FTMA. Here are some areas you may want to get details on:

  • What can time with them offer you?
  • When can they host you – is there an optimum time to be inside their organisation?
  • How can the relationship between you and their organisation be mutually beneficial during and after the secondment?
  • What benefits do they see for them? (This may help you to see new ways in which this opportunity can faciliate you/your team’s development)